RPC Endpoint

Turbo RPC Endpoint

The Turbo RPC Endpoint serves as the entry point for all Turbo Transactions. It allows developers and users to interact with Turbo-enabled smart contracts seamlessly, handling the complexities of Storage Proofs behind the scenes.

What is Turbo RPC?

Turbo RPC is a specialized blockchain RPC endpoint that processes Turbo Transactions. When you submit a transaction through this RPC, it manages all necessary steps to include Storage Proofs if required, without any additional action from the user.

Available Public Turbo RPCs

Here are the currently available public Turbo RPCs:

  1. Sepolia Testnet: https://eth-sepolia-turbo.api.herodotus.cloud/

  2. zkSync Era Sepolia Testnet: https://zksync-turbo.api.herodotus.cloud/

To use Turbo in your project, simply configure your web3 provider or wallet to use one of these RPC URLs when interacting with Turbo-enabled smart contracts on the respective network.

Last updated